Tuesday, December 18, 2007

How to Create Accurev Workspace

$ accurev mkws -w workspacename -b streamname -l location to create ws

How to check stat

$accurev stat -n

How to purge a file

$ accurev purge filename

How to Update workspace

$ accurev update

How to add all external files in a subdirectory:

Accurev add –x –r directory-name

How to promote all Kept files

Accurev promote –c “comment” –k

How to change the phylical location of created Workspace.

step1. Move the existing files to new location then run the following command

accurev chws -w ws-name -l new-location

How to creat a depot
accurev mkdepot depot name.

How to find all external files
Accurev stat –x

How to add all the external files to accurev
Accurev add –x

How to promote all newly added files

Accurev promote –k